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Submitted 12:22 p.m. EDT
Letter to the Editor

This problem must be solved and 'comprehensive immigration reform' is not the answer. Enforce our laws now!”

Linda Bechler of Inyokern, CA

You will garner no sympathy from me on this issue. This woman knows all the ropes of illegal immigration, and they were right to deny bail. I do think ICE was right that she was a taxi service for illegals and knowingly broke the law.

California is overrun with people like her bankrupting the state...We have many folks that are out of work in the construction, trucking, welding, etc. fields in CA whose jobs were lost to illegals. The American taxpayer is suffering regardless of what the feel-good liberals think is best for us.

Thank you for letting me vent, but this problem must be solved and "comprehensive immigration reform" is not the answer. Enforce our laws NOW!

These letters written in response to