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Submitted 4:40 p.m. EST
Letter to the Editor

Your readers might like to know that the quotation from Lewis Katz...appears in his article from a symposium on the 40th anniversary of Mapp v. Ohio.”

Andrew Plumb-Larrick of Cleveland, OH

Thank you for a very nice article on Ms. Mapp, that does a particularly good job of setting her story in context of place and time. I also admire the lovely typography and layout of the Marshall Project website, which I had not previously discovered.

Your readers might like to know that the quotation from Lewis Katz, located around two-thirds of the way through the article and highlighting the fact that the (illegal) entry of Mapp's house was then part of daily life for blacks and other racial minorities, appears in his article from a symposium on the 40th anniversary of Mapp v. Ohio. This article, and others, appeared in volume 52 of the Case Western Reserve Law Review. Lew's article, starting on page 471, is freely available online through the law school's scholarly repository.

Many thanks for an enjoyable and enlightening article.

This letter written in response to