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Submitted 5:36 p.m. EST
Letter to the Editor

My students and I are on a mission to do what we can to help others who could be on their way to prison or in prison, realizing that there is more to a prisoner than his conviction. ”

Mary Lou Baker of Monroe, NC

Dear Editor,

Thank you for sharing this story about Leonard Benzin. His story really resonated with me. My students and I are reading the book A Lesson Before Dying and while doing research for project-based learning, I came across your new website. My interest in the justice system was cultivated by the book, and I'm now motivated to do whatever I can do to make sure that those in prison are treated fairly and humanely. My eyes have been opened to a wider perspective of what a person goes through to get to that point where they're imprisoned. My students and I are on a mission to do what we can to help others who could be on their way to prison or in prison, realizing that there is more to a prisoner than his conviction.

If at all possible, I would love for you to share these words with Leonard. My heart goes out to him and I'm sorry he's going through cancer. I can't imagine what it's like to have cancer while in prison. I hope and pray that he knows there are people out there who support him and care about him. I want him to know that he matters and is important to us. I'm sorry for everything he's gone through and I hope he knows that I will never forget him. It sounds like life has been hard for him, but I hope can rest in the assurance that he will be remembered and that we will do whatever we can to keep his memory alive in our efforts to help others who may be in a situation like his.

God bless,

Mary Lou Baker, 11th grade honors English teacher

Sun Valley High School

Monroe, NC

These letters written in response to