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Submitted 4:20 p.m. EST
Letter to the Editor

This letter really opened my eyes. I want to be able to help this problem as much as I can. ”

Jensen Watts

Dear Editor,

My teacher shared the letter about Leonard Benzin. I now see how people are treated in prison and how inhumane it is. This letter really opened my eyes. I want to be able to help this problem as much as I can. If you could share these words with Leonard that would be great. I want to let him know that he matters. The crime that he committed does not define him as a person. It sounds like he has had a rough life and I do not blame him for anything that he has done. I am praying for him and want to let him know that he needs to live his life to the fullest. My grandmother died of cancer and I know how rough it can be. I could never be able to do what he did. Living on his own and then going into a foster home. I know that it is the past and he does not need to worry about it. I feel bad for him and I will praying for him and wishing him the best.


Jensen Watts

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